

回頭看當時的每一步都走得好艱難,身兼多職只為了存錢完成夢想、在無親無故的城市中默默地走在街道、情緒湧上時身旁沒有能依靠的對象,只能用淚水來撫平所有的不適應。 可這些不開心,都是生活給我的禮物,總會有那麼一天月亮和星星都將為我閃爍著。

Looking back at that time, every step was so difficult. I took multiple jobs just to save money and realize my dreams. I walked silently on the streets in a city with no relatives and no reason, only tears can heal all  of the discomfort. But these unhappiness are all gifts from life, and there will always be a day when the moon and stars will shine for me.



Time flies and I have been living in the UK for two years.

Because my family environment was not good enough to support me to study abroad, I worked hard for four years in college, did internships, received scholarships, and saved this little money. Finally, in the year I graduated from college, I have the ability to study abroad, and fulfill my last wish during my student days with my hard work.



After flying for more than ten hours, I left the country. This was the first time I stepped into Europe alone with a 30kg suitcase. I have done a complete psychological construction for all kinds of obstacles, and gradually I am no longer afraid of everything. Maybe it's because the city is too big, and many small things in my daily life can warm my heart. In my memory, I was in a terrible mood that day. I failed the exam I prepared all night the day before, it rained heavily, and when a car passed me on the road, the tires hit me with mud and splashed all over me. I am so wronged, but no one can listen to my complaints. I was walking on the streets of England with tears in my eyes. Suddenly, a mother led her daughter and passed me. The little girl was wearing a pink raincoat and rain boots. I subconsciously gave her a smile from the bottom of my heart, even though my mood was still low at the previous moment. I have received countless goodwill on the streets of the UK, and of course there are occasional malices. Some racists are not friendly to Chinese faces. They shouted at me to go back to Asia, and pointed at me and said unbearable words. But everything that happened here, no matter good or bad, made me really feel that I was working hard for my life.

在今年生日前夕,爸爸和媽媽突然出現在我宿舍樓下,「這裡可是英國南部不是台灣南部耶!」 我心裡默默感動忍著眼淚,爸爸媽媽只為了給我驚喜、看我一眼,一向省吃儉用的他們願意花機票錢搭這麼久的飛機。而他們突如其來的出現也讓我發覺自己長大了,會開始煩惱他們在來的路上有沒有受到什麼委屈、有沒有照顧好自己、會不會吃不慣國外的東西、睡不好等等。這會是我度過最深刻也最感動的一次生日,看到爸爸媽媽不畏艱險的遙遠飛到國外,讓我意識到無論如何我都要學會一個人堅強和獨處,畢竟身處國外求學,身旁的人肯定都很忙碌,在自顧不暇的情況下沒有人有多餘的心力來關心自己。

On my birthday’s eve this year, my dad and mom suddenly appeared downstairs in my dormitory. "This is the south of England, not the south of Taiwan!" Those who are frugal are willing to spend such a long time on the plane. Their sudden appearance also made me realize that I have grown up, I will start to worry about whether they have suffered any grievances on the way here; whether they have taken care of themselves; whether they will not be used to eating foreign food, sleeping well, etc. This will be the most profound and touching birthday I have ever spent. Seeing my parents fly abroad without fear of hardships and dangers made me realize that no matter what, I must learn to be strong and alone. After all, I am studying abroad. The people around me must be very busy, and no one has extra energy to care about themselves when they are too busy to take care of themselves.


After leaving my hometown alone for such a long time, I was not used to this kind of loneliness at first, and I even lost several kilograms due to the pressure. I broke down and cried countless days and nights, but I still had to pretend that I was fine, wiped away my tears, smiled and video chatted with my family.



Life is like this, there will always be a mess, but the beauty of rebirth is only worthy of the pain of Nirvana. I am very grateful to the self who cried until his eyes were red and swollen and fell asleep, but still stubbornly refused to admit defeat when he woke up.



漫無目的的旅程在每個清晨悄無聲息的出發, 生命的過客一個接著一個的上車,我背負著將他們送往目的地的使命, 偶爾傾聽他們的日常點滴,然後目送他們下車。我走走停停,或南或北,享受著這樣的四處奔波,因為它讓我無暇空虛。

The aimless journey starts quietly every morning, and the passengers of life get on the car one by one. I am shouldering the mission of sending them to their destination, occasionally listening to their daily life, and then watching them get out of the car. I stop and go, or south or north, enjoying this kind of running around, because it makes me have no time to be empty.


It has been more than five years since I retired. Since my son and his wife went to work in mainland China, I have lived with my mentally handicapped grandson. Necessary expenses such as tuition fees and medical expenses have also fallen on me. At the beginning of last year, I decided to go out and drive a taxi, thinking that I could make a little money.


Every morning after sending my grandson to school, I shuttled among high-rise buildings. Sometimes I would drive for more than 12 hours a day, and even half of the time was idling, but I didn’t feel tired, let alone bored or lacking meaning. After all, staying at home is just staring at the TV in a daze, it is better to go out and hang out. The convenience and speed of the Taipei MRT and the emergence of more and more online car-hailing platforms have made us, who drive yellow taxis, have very few customers. We spend nearly twice as much time alone in the car, but we actually enjoy it. The moment when I was driving alone on the streets of Taipei. 

I played and listened to the Hong Rong Hong CD for decades, and watched the people coming and going on the road while waiting for the red light at every intersection. When I was in a good mood, I would shake and hum to the rhythm of the music. On a boring day, as long as you drive to the northern coastline, roll down the window to see the sea and enjoy the breeze, all the depressed emotions seem to disappear in this instant.


I drove this little yellow car around for a year and a half, and received hundreds of customers. 

If the guests are willing, I like to chat with and listen to them sharing what happened on this day, there will be good and bad, and everyone can receive different moods. From time to time, I will think of my past self because of their words. After driving the guests to their destinations, I will drive to places full of memories, whether it is the door of the old house where I played with the neighbors in my childhood, or the park where I secretly smoked with my classmates during the rebellious period; or the construction site where I stayed for half a year in my life. Although tall buildings have been built and lost their original appearance, I can still feel the familiarity whenever I pass these places. After getting off work, I used to buy the food from the beef noodle shop in the alley and go home to eat with my grandson. Listening to him laughingly telling me about what happened at school today, the bowl of beef noodle, which is so ordinary, has become the delicious cuisine at this moment. It doesn't matter what he looks like, as long as he's healthy, looking at him heals my tiring day.


Before I retired, I worked on the construction site for more than 30 years. I did the same job day after day, but being a taxi driver gave me a very different feeling. I just want to earn a little money in the beginning, but after really experiencing such wandering around in this city, I have an endless experience. Along the way, the scenery outside the window is sometimes bustling and sometimes quiet; It is a passer-by in life who can give me strength and happiness just by getting into the car with a smile and warmth.


Seeing the hands shaking on the road to attract me, I always stop by the street with anticipation, looking forward to what kind of guests will be greeted next?



別人正玩樂的青春歲月裡,我卻早已嚐遍苦辣酸甜。 經歷這社會上各式各樣的衝撞,一路成長至今也年過半百了,生活除了一如往常的努力賺錢,還多了一份為家庭的犧牲。但人生就是如此吧,有遺憾才會有成全。

In my youthful years when others were having fun, I have already tasted bitterness, hotness, sourness and sweetness. After experiencing all kinds of conflicts in this society, I have grown up all the way and am now over fifty years old. In addition to working hard to make money as usual in life, there is also an extra sacrifice for the family. But life is like this, there will be fulfillment only if there are regrets.


Because of family factors, I came to Taiwan from Indonesia and faced a sudden change in the living environment, which made my childhood harder than ordinary people. At the time of cardamom's youth, I have already started working when other people and friends are playing relaxingly and joyfully. Whether it is a beverage store clerk, restaurant waiter, wedding photography, or eight major industries, I have done all kinds of industries. Being out of society early is a very difficult journey. In order to support myself, this is the only way to go. But compared to the hard work, the harvest is far enough to cover these tiredness.






自從有了孩子才曉得這個社會仍然傳統,耳邊總會傳來 「怎麼顧小孩的?」、「要先把孩子顧好啊!」 這樣的責罵聲,而這些話從來不會對爸爸說;但也更深地明白該為家庭負起責任,一直以來為了我的家庭努力打拼,不停的往前衝,有時候真的好累,但會想起這世界上比我糟糕的人有更多,他們甚至連喊累的時間都沒有。當父母犧牲是一定的,沒有了自己的時間、不能做喜歡的事,不過能看著他們的笑顏一天天長大,那種幸福感是非常滿足的。也會為了小孩義無反顧往前衝,因為我的家庭就是帶給我能量和動力的最大來源。在擁有家庭前的好幾年我過得很痛苦,但現在即使忙碌,感受到更多的是充足和快樂,這幾年讓我內心很踏實,我知道自己不是在空忙。

Work brings me a lot of pressure, and there are often unsatisfactory times. At first, I would think that all this is not worth it, I feel that I have been doing things for others, or that the credit has been taken away, as if I have put in so much effort but in the end I have nothing that belongs to me. But there will always be a certain moment when all the troubles suddenly disappear. There is no need to worry about whether everything is worth it. All experiences in life will not be in vain. One day, these efforts will be rewarded to myself. Even if the result does not belong to me, as long as I am willing to do it with my heart, I will learn from it. Everything you own will be yours, and no one can take it away.

Later, I married into my husband's family and had a child when my career was sprinting, but I never thought of giving up. This is a gift from God. Ever since I had children, I realized that this society is still traditional, and there are always scolding voices like "?", "How did you take care of the children?", and these words are never said to the father; But I also have a deeper understanding that I should take responsibility for my family. I have been working hard for my family and keep moving forward. Sometimes I am really tired, but I will remember that there are more people worse than me in this world. They didn't even have time to shout. When parents make sacrifices, they have no time for themselves and can’t do what they like, but seeing their children’s smiles grow up day by day, that kind of happiness is very satisfying. I will also go forward without hesitation for my children, because my family is the biggest source of energy and motivation for me. I had a painful life before I had a family for a few years. Yet, even though I am busy now, I feel more content and happy. These years have made me feel at ease in my heart, and I know that I am not busy.


Of course, I will have to give up something if I go on like this for a long time. What I like may not be what I can do, so I have those regrets. My hobby is painting, but due to economic factors, 

I can't choose my favorite path. But also because of this trade-off, I was able to support my whole family. I often think that if the child grows up someday, I will have my own time, and I want to continue painting. I want to let myself go, plan a trip well, and go to various countries around the world. After all, I have been making a contribution to my family all the time. There’s not any time that I rush for myself.


Recalling my journey of more than 30 years, from the turbulent waves at the beginning to the current calm, life seems to be like this, with both suffering and joy. So, I often feel that half is fulfillment, and the other half is regret. The combination of them is life.


Pulp 紙漿


Using paper as a thing that can be seen everywhere in life and expressing this stage is the most daily feeling. Even if we feel annoyed when facing a problem, we should believe that it will disappear by itself. Like a floating image of paper, it symbolizes a casual drifter.

Cover 透明漂流者
Cover 透明漂流者
Cover 透明漂流者
Cover 透明漂流者
Cover 透明漂流者