

有時候賺到了一點小錢, 我會去便利商店買一碗熱呼呼的泡麵;面對無數次的失業時,只能拼命的想辦法去找到下個能餬口飯吃的機會。看著路上的人們似乎都有著歸宿,再回過頭來看看自己,這輩子只能這樣流浪了吧。

Sometimes when I make a little money, I will go to the convenience store to buy a bowl of hot instant noodles; when faced with countless times of unemployment, I can only desperately find a way to find the next opportunity to make a living. Looking at the people on the road, it seems that they all have their own destinations, and looking back at myself, I can only wander like this in this life.




On 1/18, there are a few days left before the Lunar New Year this year, we are walking on the bustling streets of Mengka, looking for possibilities to make the drifting story more diverse. 

In winter, the sun was too dazzling that day. I entered the supermarket and planned to buy a bottle of ice water to quench my thirst. When I was queuing up to check out, I heard that the customer in front of me was twenty yuan short of paying. Seeing the panicked appearance of this uncle, he took out the change and settled the bill for him. Through this opportunity, we had a closer communication with the uncle and learned that he is a street person here.

「 謝謝你們願意幫助我,這裡的住戶總是把我們當成亂源,拒我們於千里之外。」


身邊的家人早在幾十年前就相繼離世,加上身上的存款無法負擔每月的房租費,只好開始了露宿街頭的生活。有社工來問過要不要去住收容所,依稀記得第一次被詢問是在寒流來襲的時期,猶豫很久還是答應了,當時的室友是個會尿失禁的阿伯,尿騷味跟其他異味一起充斥整間房。收容所為了維持秩序也制定了很多規範。「 光是門禁、禁止菸酒對我來說就如同被關在監獄裡的犯人一樣。」大叔高亢的嗓音表達了對自由的渴望,最終還是選擇了回到街邊住下。對於這些遊民來說,在這個社會經歷了各種動盪和漂流,受盡了屈辱和欺負。路上經過的行人用冷嘲熱諷的口氣對大叔評頭論足,也曾遇過好幾次小混混喝了酒來打擾他們睡覺,甚至會把他們叫起來用不入耳的言語或動手動腳欺負他們。

"Thank you for your willingness to help me. The residents here always regard us as a source of chaos and reject us thousands of miles away."

The uncle smiled kindly and said that whenever there is turmoil here, the street friends will be labeled as active criminals, even if everything is done by ordinary residents. I was surprised when I heard the uncle say that they usually have to go to work during the day. I thought the homeless people were all unemployed, so I realized that they are also working to make money, but most of them are temporary workers or sign bearers. Also, if there is no job and the help from society is minimal, how can I support it until now? And every homeless person has their own story. The uncle used to be a construction worker, but since he contracted lung disease, he has difficulty breathing and can no longer continue to carry heavy objects. He also knows that he has become a white-collar worker since he dropped out of junior high school. The chances for office workers are slim to none. 

The family members around me passed away decades ago, and the savings on my body could not afford the monthly rent, so I had no choice but to start a life of sleeping on the streets. 

A social worker came to ask if he wanted to live in a shelter. He vaguely remembered that the first time he was asked was when the cold snap hit. After hesitating for a long time, he agreed. The roommate at that time was an uncle with urinary incontinence, and the smell of urine and other peculiar smells filled the room. The shelter has also formulated many regulations in order to maintain order. "The access control and the prohibition of smoking and drinking are like prisoners in prison to me." The uncle's high-pitched voice expressed his desire for freedom, and finally chose to return to the street to live. For these vagrants, they have experienced all kinds of turbulence and drift in this society, and suffered humiliation and bullying. Pedestrians passing by on the road commented on the uncle in a sarcastic tone, and met several times when young gangsters drank alcohol to disturb their sleep, and even called them up to bully them with offensive words or hands and feet.

「 我很想念我逝去的家人,也很希望自己趕快賺夠錢,有能力每天溫飽自己、給自己一個家,寒冬的夜裡不用依靠一層又一層的紙箱來取暖,但這個社會總是對遊民充滿惡意,應徵上的工作總是會因為各種偏見常常做兩三天就被辭退了。」

"I miss my family members who have passed away, and I really hope that I can earn enough money to be able to feed myself every day and give myself a home. I don't have to rely on layers of cardboard boxes to keep warm in the cold winter nights, but this society is always full of homeless people. Maliciousness, the job I applied for is always due to various prejudices, and I am often dismissed after two or three days.”


We bid farewell to uncle after buying some food that would allow him to get enough food and clothing for the past two days. In my impression, I preconceived that homeless people are as dangerous and lazy as the media and stereotypes, but after talking with the uncle, I found that they also really want to live and work hard to feed themselves.



走過一座又一座的城市,看了許多的風景, 曾看過極地的永晝之光,也曾恰巧見證了流星畫過天際。可身邊的人永遠是擦身而過的過客,我一個人孤獨的浮沉著,心中有滿出來的各種情緒卻找不到出口宣洩。

I walked through one city after another, saw many landscapes, saw the eternal light of the polar region, and happened to witness meteors painting the sky. But the people around me are always passers-by, and I am floating alone, with all kinds of emotions in my heart but I can't find an outlet to vent.

「 各位旅客您好,歡迎登機,預計空中飛行時間是13小時。」


"Hello passengers, welcome to board the plane. The estimated flight time is 13 hours."

It was a long time again. After the broadcast, I put down the microphone and put away my smile at the same time. After becoming a flight attendant, I used the four characters of strong face and laughter to the fullest. Others always think that being a flight attendant is a glamorous profession. At first, I thought so too, and I had great expectations and longings for this identity. Before officially becoming a flight attendant, there are countless exams. If you accidentally make a small mistake, you will face elimination. Many friends in the same period around me received a call telling you not to come tomorrow. The pressure and fear at that time is unforgettable, it is a feeling that I will never forget. I thought that as long as I worked harder, I could realize my dream, and I did.



Not long after I started my first flight, I encountered the epidemic. It was at its peak and everyone panicked. Both the passengers and the flight attendants in the plane were nervous of being infected due to one mistake. Therefore, after I arrived in Taiwan after work, I didn’t dare to go home to meet my family. Even if the flight was greatly reduced, I still stayed in the anti-epidemic hotel or rented a house, and I didn’t dare to take the risk of going home to meet relatives and friends. That was the first time I regretted choosing this career, but there is nothing I can do. 

This year, the epidemic has slowed down and flights have begun to return to normal. I thought I would regain my enthusiasm for being a flight attendant. However, I didn’t know that such complicated and trivial tasks as working overtime and staying up late, taking care of passengers, serving dishes, cleaning toilets, etc. made me even more powerless.

From the very beginning when I got on the plane, I had to smile and socialize with everyone in order to survive. The severe school sister system made me have to bear some bitter words; encountering unreasonable passengers is normal, and I have always hated talking to strangers I have to endure the discomfort of being slapped directly by passengers when I have physical contact, and I have to laugh and persuade them to calm down when they are scolded and cried by passengers when the flight is delayed. This job has gradually deteriorated in my heart, and I have been enduring it until now.



I will always be surrounded by colleagues I don’t know, so I can’t find a sense of belonging, 

and I feel lonely. I always leave early because I have to report to the airport for dinner with my friends, because I need to be on call at any time in case of emergencies. In the eyes of my friends I became a person who broke my promise, and slowly they drifted away from me. 

A month ago, I broke up with my boyfriend who had been with me for six years during the voyage. This month, when I was far away in the United States, I received the news that my grandfather who grew up with me passed away. Everything was a big blow to me, but I can't do anything. Whenever emotions come to my heart, I still have to endure all the sadness and tears, squeeze out a smile and patience, and send positive waves to the passengers.


The idea of ​​giving up has been emerging recently, but I dare not actually implement it. 

I am afraid that I will not know anything, and I will be abandoned when I return to society without this job. I am also worried that I can’t adapt to my life after giving up on this drifting journey. All kinds of troubles made me at a loss. I didn't have the courage to make the decision I wanted to make most in my heart. I could only continue to live a life of patience and face every passenger with my pretended smile and tenderness.



我知道想改變明天,那今天的我就得要有所行動, 我真的都明白,也盡全力了,但為什麼一切都跟昨天一樣,任何變化都沒有呢? 只有對以前的自己感到更抱歉,對不起,把那個開朗的妳丟失了。

I know that if I want to change tomorrow, I have to take action today. I really understand and try my best, but why is everything the same as yesterday, without any change? I only feel more sorry for my former self, sorry for losing that cheerful you.




I hear them say I've changed a lot.

Yes, I have changed a lot. I used to be a cheerful and smiling girl, but I don’t know where to start. I became very concerned about other people’s eyes, to the point where I would be in a state of tension all the time. It feels like if I take a wrong step or take a slow pace, I will lose a lot to the people around me. All kinds of pressure have caused me to suffer from depression and self-discipline disorders. I always thought I was strong, but everything that happened told me that I was actually fragile.

Depression is not something you can control, it has no warning, and it cannot be prevented. 

It's like coughing, it won't get better if you cough, but you can't hold it back. It's been a long time since I've been able to sleep soundly, and I haven't eaten properly for a long time. Because of taking the medicine, the symptoms of hand tremors and memory fragmentation became more and more serious. All the food tasted like chewing plastic in my mouth, tasteless. Day after day, 

I dragged my stiff body to go out, trying to keep myself from facing others with a blank face, 

but my emotions were still unable to cause any waves. Do you have to lock yourself up and live carefully, only to vent with tears in the dark night. Looking at myself who can only rely on drugs to control my emotions every day, can't it just end like this? I tried to swallow more than 30 sleeping pills in one breath, and was sent to the emergency room, only to find that swallowing pills could not kill anyone.

那天回醫院複診,恍惚之間聽到醫生診斷出我又多了一項輕微躁鬱症,當下的感受我不知道如何描述,只覺得頭好重,想趕快離開醫院。前一秒的我很平靜,可當我踏出門口的那一步,眼淚就自己流下來了,絕望、壓抑、無助、難熬,瞬間一齊湧了上來。我淚流滿面地握著龍頭,不斷加速,腦中有個聲音說著 「再騎快一點、快一點⋯」,感覺路過了好幾個紅燈,但最後還是被理智拉了回來。開始發現每件難受的事情正在慢慢累積,到最後都痛苦的讓我不得不放棄人生,只求片刻的平靜和解脫。我又何嘗沒有想過找回從前的那個自己呢,但我和她之間的距離好遠、好遠,在我努力往上伸手試著抓住她時,腦海裡的怪物總會出現並將我拖回無底深淵。

When I went back to the hospital for a follow-up visit that day, I heard that the doctor had diagnosed me with another mild bipolar disorder. I don't know how to describe the current feeling. 

I just felt a heavy headache and wanted to leave the hospital as soon as possible. I was very calm a second ago, but when I took a step out of the door, tears flowed down by myself. 

Despair, depression, helplessness, and hardship all rushed up in an instant. I held the faucet with tears streaming down my face, and kept accelerating. There was a voice in my head saying "Ride faster, faster...", I felt that I passed several red lights, but I was finally pulled back by reason. I began to find that every uncomfortable thing was slowly accumulating, and in the end it was so painful that I had to give up my life, just looking for a moment of peace and relief. Why haven't I thought about getting back to my former self, but the distance between me and her is so far away. When I try to reach up and try to grab her, the monster in my mind will always appear and will drag me back into the abyss. 


Now, I look down on all interpersonal relationships, and I don’t want to spend effort to hate any unforgivable people and things I encounter. Living in the darkness I am most familiar with, without accommodating anyone, let alone forcing myself to understand, seems to reduce some pain. I know that many encounters along the way are due to my personality and choices, and the final result is my own responsibility, but I don't want to be blindly obsessed with all these. I suddenly understood that those who said they wanted to die didn't really want to die, but were so painful that they had to die. I hate this world, instead of bringing me laughter and hope, it hides the bright light in my life. If today is the rest of my life, can I be selfish for once, I don’t need to be sensible, I don’t need to be empathetic, I just want more laughter, I want to stay in the place I like, I want to see the people I care about, I want to smell the smell of the world, I want to say thank you to myself.


Then, let me sink to the bottom of the ocean.


Cement 水泥


Cement made items have a full sense of weight, coupled with the characteristics of opaque. It seems to be a closed, dark and heavy world. Though the appearance is hard, the heart is actually the most fragile existence in the world. We cannot find the direction in the dark, and there is no way to change the status quo, which is extremely helpless.

Cover 透明漂流者
Cover 透明漂流者
Cover 透明漂流者
Cover 透明漂流者
Cover 透明漂流者