


From the reduction of a store I originally owned to the need to do business on a small cart, everything is very unstable, and I drift wherever there are crowds. The hard work for day after day is just for being able to return to the original stable life, to pursue my father's last wish, and to have a safe haven with my family and health is enough.

「 臭豆腐、肉羹麵線、豆花。」 我開著這台小攤車在一條又一條的巷弄裡穿梭、拼命叫賣著。


"Stinky tofu, vermicelli with pork-meat stew, bean curd." I drove this small cart through one alley after another, hawking desperately. Thirty years ago, I took over this business from my father. The small store in Shenkeng was my father's lifelong painstaking effort. Before he died, 

I promised him that I would continue to manage it well. The business has not been very good. After all, there are too many competitors around us, and we are not particularly famous, but the income can at least support our family. Until the outbreak of the epidemic three years ago, it was a big blow to businesses like us whose customers were 70% foreigners. 

From the original surplus of income to the complete balance of expenses, it was still passable at first, but what happened to me was that my mother and wife got sick one after another. That year, our son was going to college, and the tuition fees, treatment fees, food expenses, etc. weighed me down. At that time, I made a decision to sell the store, paid everything and used the rest of the money to buy a van and build it into an action stinky tofu truck.


There are fixed days every week that my son and I will set up a stall together and stop along the route we planned. At the beginning, not many people would come to buy, and we couldn’t make much money, and even lost money. Because the docking point is always on the side of the road, or the entrance and exit of the night market, I thought it was temporary, so I didn’t apply for it. Once I was caught by the police. I begged him hard when he billed, but it was useless. It is true that I did something wrong, and I lost a sum of money in this way.




After a long time, I got acquainted with and established a good relationship with some residents in the frequented areas. When my loud voice sounded, they would come to order food with me and exchange a few words with me with their own pots. I once met a mother who saw my son working hard to help. She was moved and had a more in-depth chat with me. I talked about the process of inheriting the family business from the beginning to the small stall car I drive now. Maybe it was dark and I couldn't see clearly, but her tears seemed to be rolling in her eyes. Three days later, I drove to this community to sell again, and I saw this mother again. She said cheers to me and handed me a pack of envelopes at the checkout. I refused straight away. No matter how miserable my life is, I don't want to accept financial assistance from others for no reason. It may take a while, but I believe that I will always get through it. I simply accepted her encouragement and kindness, hoping in my heart that I could improve step by step.



Now the income is still not much, and I don’t dare to ask extravagantly, as long as I can feed my whole family three meals a day, that’s enough. Although my son also started to work part-time to earn some money to relieve my burden, recently I have been thinking whether I should find another part-time job? I wanted to buy my dad's shop back, which was his greatest asset in his life, but I sold it because of the difficulties I encountered. From the moment I sold it, I have always had a sense of guilt in my heart. Even if I think so, it seems that it is still difficult to implement. 

I have to take care of my bedridden mother and wife, and I have to work every day. If I want to find another part-time job, this kind of life really makes me have no skills...



原來人真的能在一瞬間成長,原來所謂觸景傷情是這樣的感受。 少了爸爸的疼愛,也再也不能抱著媽媽訴說我的委屈,因為我知道她比我更需要安慰,只能任由內心四處遊蕩,不敢接受任何人的關心。

It turns out that people can really grow up in an instant, and it turns out that the so-called "touching the scene" is such a feeling. Without my dad's love, I can no longer hug my mom and tell my grievances, because I know that she needs comfort more than me. So I can only let my heart wander around and dare not accept anyone's care.




A pandemic took a lot of what we should have, even including my dad without any warning. 

In the first year of the pandemic, I left Changhua and went to Taipei for my internship. The part-time work and study life kept me busy, but the families and friends around me were the motivation driving me to move forward. My dad has been suffering from cancer for a while, but he was diagnosed with the fourth stage at this time. I have always hoped that I will be able to let my dad no longer have to work hard and enjoy the blessings, but unfortunately the plan still cannot keep up with the changes. I remember that a while before the incident, my father suggested to me that the whole family should go on a trip together, and I felt uneasy. After all, he always refused the topic of hanging out. I know he was worried about his physical strength and fear of being dragged down us. I have been praying that the uneasiness in my heart will not come true, and watching him work hard to treat the cancer to prevent the cancer from spreading, I firmly believe that I can persist for a while, and I can accomplish many things with him.




July 31st, it was the day that my dad got diagnosed. He texted and told me that he was fine multiple times. I didn’t think too much and went to bed early. I got my mom’s phone call at 4 a.m. She said that my dad was dying in the emergency room and she should be ready to sign the consent form to waive the first aid. At that moment, I realized my dad was leaving soon. I hurriedly packed my luggage and drove all the way south. The time of arrival was around 6:00 in the morning, but everything was too late. The only thing left waiting for me was my crying mom, whose clothes were stained with red splashed by a burst blood vessel during the first aid. Then I went to the hospital and saw my dad’'s general appearance. Everything was so unreal. One of his eyes was half-opened, and I thought that probably meant he was waiting for me. "Daddy, I'm here, you can close your eyes now", I reached out to close his eyes, and picked up the new slippers I bought and put them on his bare feet. I wished he could leave smoothly since it was the last thing I did for him. Because he passed away with coronavirus, the hospital always wanted to drive me away from my dad and not let me have any contact with him. I knelt down and begged for a long time before they allowed me to talk to my dad.


I spent that week in a muddle, and it was hard to digest the responsibility of taking care of my mom after my dad passed away. I felt that my mom was more like a child than me at that time. In order not to make my relatives feel that we were weak and sympathetic, I would not let my tears go out in front of people. I feel that I have grown up a lot in an instant, but in fact I don't want to, I just want to be my dad's little girl. After losing my dad, my life felt so empty and overwhelmed with negative thoughts. Sometimes, I will have the occasional thought that if only I could leave with my dad. There are some keepsakes left by him during his lifetime, such as the necklace he gave me on my birthday, the watch he gave me when I graduated, etc. He was by my side at every important moment in the past, but it is a pity that my dad will only exist in my memory in the future.



I will live a good life. I promise you that I will treat every day as if it’s my last day. I will follow my heart and live my life, just like you. But I can’t control my thoughts. When I think of you like stabbing my own heart, I can only relieve my sadness by crying and breaking down.



正因為不足、不夠, 所以必須付出比別人加倍的努力,我得用時間和意志力來彌補缺憾的地方。 就這樣流浪了十二年之久,好像有了些成就,卻仍舊達不到我想要的模樣。但我相信努力不會和我背道而馳,百分之百的付出總有一天會賜予我完美的自己吧。

Because of the lack and insufficiency, have to work twice as hard as others, and I have to use time and willpower to make up for the shortcomings. I have been wandering like this for twelve years, and I seem to have achieved something, but I still can't achieve what I want. But I believe that hard work will not run in opposite directions, 100% dedication will give me a perfect self one day.




用電話卡打給了媽媽,她問我要不要現在就訂機票回家?當下很想一口答應,但在我反覆想著 「要不要回家」 這句話時,卻又覺得不行,我都鼓起勇氣踏出來了,現在退縮豈不是很可惜,我想再撐一下,看看自己到底可不可以。感謝當時的我擁有那樣的決心,才能從完全不會,到畢業前拿下了學校前幾名的成績。這能說是讓我引以為傲的事情了吧,畢竟從零開始、每晚練中文字到三點,是我自己日夜成長的結果啊。

It has been 12 years since I went to Taiwan alone from Malaysia.

At that time, I just graduated from high school and carried a suitcase.

With the determination to step out of my comfort zone, I started my drifting journey. For the first time that I left my hometown, the language problem made me feel very panicked, even doubted my choice. I remember that in the first three days after arrived, I accidentally lost my mobile phone. I couldn't understand all the words that the seniors said during the orientation activities, and I didn't know how to respond. I hid in the toilet and cried silently, feeling like I was falling into a very magical world and I am the only person that understands myself.

I called my mother on the phone card and she asked if I should book a flight home now? At the moment, I really wanted to agree. Yet, when I repeatedly thought about the sentence "Should I go home", I felt that I couldn't do it. I mustered up the courage to step out. Wouldn't it be a pity to back down now? I wanted to hold on a little longer and see if I could make it. Thanks to my determination at that time, I was able to go from not being able to do it at all to getting the top grades in the school before graduation. This can be said to be something I am proud of. After all, starting from scratch and practicing Chinese characters every night until three o'clock is the result of my own growth day and night.


During this period of time in Taiwan, I seemed to be wandering all the time.

I settled down in Linkou, studied in Tainan, and found a job in Kaohsiung. Until I received a call from a university teacher at the age of 24, inviting me to sing a commercial demo. I have always been very interested in singing and making music, so I accepted this invitation and drifted from south to north to Danshui. It seems that this opportunity started my dream journey. Before I joined the company, I did my own thing and sang whatever I wanted, but it was only when I officially entered this industry that I realized that my voice can be so changeable, because the limitation has inspired me to infinite possibilities. It turns out that my voice can not only be sweet, but also can be thick, or a little sexy. After going through this process, I also know how to express emotions better. I live alone, collecting and absorbing bit by bit and writing them into songs, using singing and lyrics to describe the shape of my story.



Shortly after I joined the company, the teacher asked me if I would like to participate in the singing show. Since I was too afraid of failure, I rejected it for two consecutive sessions. I always need to be fully prepared for everything. I feel that I have the confidence to face everything when I am ready. Simply put, I am a perfectionist, which is a good thing in a way, but it also limits myself to seize new opportunities. This is a new topic for me, learning to do what I want to do even if the future is full of uncertainties, so I decided to take that step bravely and signed up with my guitar on my back. Maybe the result is not the best, but the value gained in the process is far more than what I thought, whether it is the revolutionary emotions with other singers, the confidence and dedication I learned from them, or the feedback fans gave me after the song was released, etc. Everything is irreplaceable, and it also proves that my brave choice is correct.


There have been some small achievements so far, but I still feel that I am not enough. I can't be content with the status quo, so I left the original company. In order to continue to stay in Taiwan to fulfill my dream, I must first solve the imminent visa issue. I searched for job opportunities everywhere and did one interview after another, but I kept running into walls. This is probably the most desperate thing I have felt recently, as if I fell into another black hole…


Perfectionists are used to seeing the road ahead, but now I am walking in the dark.


Iron 鐵


Everything in iron is full of a cold sense of cage, which makes people feel difficult to get close to. We occasionally meet such a stage while drifting. When encountering problems, we often eager to achieve success but unable to deal with them due to some obstacles, such as being imprisoned in a cage and can’t get out if we want to leave.

Cover 透明漂流者
Cover 透明漂流者
Cover 透明漂流者
Cover 透明漂流者
Cover 透明漂流者