▶淺談 MOOCs 課程的歷史脈絡與高等教育課程之發展
▶Udemy、Coursera、Hahow 比較:如何挑選適合你的線上課程平台
▶高中生角度看Coursera | 疫情下WFH之餘,還可以做些甚麼?| 所有人都可以自主學習! | 在家也能上國外大學課程!
▶第1次B案線上課程討論,學生質性訪談線上課程系統基本介紹,以及申請書撰寫(申请最多可能需要 16 天才能得到审核)
*Why are you applying for Financial Aid ?
I am currently studying in the Departmentof Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering of National United University,Taiwan, Asia. Apart from the college’s study, I want to learn more to enrich tomyself during my free time. I want to make my vision all around the world.Learning this course allows me to learn how to manage different aspects of theenvironment. By taking this course, I also expect to improve my Englishlistening and language skills.
The scholarship provides many the educatedchances for a lot of people. If without external resources helping, some peoplewho desire to learning couldn’t own more resources to study. My family’sfinancial situation is mediocre to below average, so I would like to strive to applythe scholarship. After I study this course, I will use the skills to help otherpeople or provide a variety of information in the world.
*How will talking this course help youachieve your career goals?
I am a freshman and I studied the introduction to Environmental Engineering in my first semester. However, Still didn’t know how to apply technology in my life and major. I took the course “Global Environmental Management”, which was taught in Chinese in my college. It introduced various machinery and processing on waste, water and-air. Our team presented the desalination of seawater as the final project . My teammates and I presented the Sorek seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination plant inIsrael (Middle East) for its advanced technology. When we did some research we found a lack of information in Chinese language. I really want to have a better understanding of global environmental management and technologies.
I want to realize global trends that affectour environment and a variety of management systems that can improve our life.Through the course “Global Environmental Management” it helps me know differentmanagement of the way it operates in theworld. It can not only broaden my vision, but help me apply further educationin the future. I look forward to receiving the scholarship and taking thiscourse in Taiwan.
2.選課「丹麥科技大學的全球環境管理」,了解可持續發展的最佳環境技術,以及如何在世界各地的不同環境中管理它們。 本課程讓您有機會了解影響我們的環境和生活條件的全球趨勢,以及世界各地如何使用不同的管理系統和方法來管理環境。 這包括當前為環境構建的環境技術和可持續土壤管理技術、地下水保護方法和綜合水資源管理。
5.後續兩周2小時的ikigai‧IKIGAI 生之意義
In first weekly lecture, it makes me know that I can learn a variety of issues in the future, including environmental health departments, occupational health and safety units, municipalities, departments of agriculture and veterinarian and public health inspectors. When I watched the first week video, it let me know different situations with the photos, such as the urbanization, public sanitation and flooding, etc. At the last video in first week, it mentioned about the Mercury and DDT. It appeals to my interests. Mercury is a Chemical of Global Health Concern. Mercury is a highly toxic heavy metal that can have dangerous effects on people, ecosystems, and wildlife. Mercury has been widely used in products, such as batteries, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and biocides, etc. In the early, DDT is used to limit the spread of the insect-borne diseases malaria and typhus among civilians and troops. After the scientist discovered that DDT is Persistent Organic Pollutants, a lot of countries has limited to use DDT. Now, the third world still uses DDT to prevent the Malaria or others diseases, for it is the cheapest pesticide. I think it is not a fair for them. My hometown has had air pollution in Kaohsiung, Taiwan because it is an industrial city. I searched for the information. Air pollution is one of the greatest environmental risk to health. Air pollution influences not only human beings, but also plants. It influences the growth of plants. For example, particulate matter would make the leaves be full of the dust. It would influenced photosynthesis for plants. By the air pollution, it will cause the disease from stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, and both chronic and acute respiratory diseases.